jueves, 8 de marzo de 2018

sábado, 3 de marzo de 2018


  Watching TV series in English is a wonderful way to improve your oral skills.
In this link you can watch hundreds of them with subtitles in different languages


Why using comics to teach and learn English?

1. To Use Authentic Material

2. To Have Fun and Motivate

3. To Learn About Different Cultures

4. To Facilitate Vocabulary Acquisition

5. To Develop Reading Skills

6. To Develop Writing Skills

Things To Avoid While Learning English

Learning a new language can always be tough as you may think. But, you make everything easier by not creating barriers which would actually hinder the progress. So if you are thinking about learning English at a smooth pace, then you should go through the tips compiled below that would surely make you perfect with English.

Learning English Tips Things to Avoid

Learning English
Avoid translating
You should translate sentences or phrases only when you are new to the language. Once you have developed the vocabulary, you should always stop thinking in the language you usually speak. This would derail the focus and slow down the progress. Instead of being different, you should concentrate on words you have already learnt and comprehend the conversation accordingly. As compared to other languages, the sentence structure is very much different with English.
Drive away the fear
Fear can always pose to be a barrier when you have to communicate in English. Even though you have learnt the rules of grammar, you shouldn’t struggle to hold back the conversation. Be confident and stop thinking about how the person would react. Just like others, when you’re on a learning curve you are bound to commit plenty of mistakes. At some point of time, you would learn how the sentences have to be framed.
Stop being pessimistic
A negative attitude wouldn’t work towards improving the learning process. You would be driving yourself from bad to worse. In case you are speaking negative statements to yourself, then it’s time to rephrase them into positive sentences. Rather than saying ‘I won’t become better anytime.’ you can say ‘I will keep on trying till I get better soon.’ An optimistic mind can always help you learn English as quickly as possible.
Always stay confident 
Never become nervous especially when you get the opportunity to speak in English. In fact, you can enhance your confidence only if you speak the language time and again. Ultimately, there’s no way out other than stepping out from the zone in which you dwell.
Stop saying ‘Sorry’
Nobody knows for how long you have been speaking English. So, never use the word ‘sorry’ when you can’t speak the language fluently. Do remember that everything takes time and you have to be patient till you’re trained to speak perfectly. Just as it took years to build Rome, you too can be perfect in a couple of months. The point is that you are trying your level best and people are always appreciating your efforts.
Communicate frequently
Learning through classroom sessions is great only when you ask questions and get them answered at next instance. But, you need to use the words when you are communicating with family members and individuals residing in your locality. If you fail to practice, then you would be left behind and never progress the way you desired. 


ST. Patrick´s Day is coming soon. Are you going to celebrate it with your students?. You may want to use this video about the History of Saint Patrick´s Day.

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2018

ORAL PRESENTATIONS. Here are some tips that may help you when you have to give a presentation. 7 tips to create visual presentat...